Monday, January 23, 2012

Song of the day. Fashion of the day. Bad news on recovery.

This music is one of my all time fav's. I love the concept in this video of a girl who was dumped and hopelessly misses her boyfriend and is crying, but she expresses herself and lets everything go in the end. This song is kinda my theme song, crazy I know.
This is the fashion of the day. I love leather just as much as the next girl(or guy) And so of course I adore this exquisitely put together outfit. I admire the fact that whoever put this outfit together could have just put on a black tee-shirt, But instead they threw in a shirt that is  bursting with color. I of course want to also steal the shoes out of this picture.
This is the state I am currently at. I weigh around 75-80 I started to gain weight but over the past three days I have begone to descale in my battle with my disease. I have made progress up until this point, now You can only see the outline of my bones. I'm trying I really am but this is my fourth time getting help. The other three times I only went to the hospital and got healthy and got no help, so In about a week I would loose that weight all over again. Anorexia as you can see is not an attractive thing, no one wants to look like a skeleton. In my opinion I'm not to skinny, but In other people's I am. I love how I look, but I know that I have to eat to stay healthy, but sometimes eating just is to much, sometimes I can not drink a whole cup of tea because I get sick and start to throw up. Anorexia is a battle that goes up-an-down for me. But my Bulimia is getting better, now I don't through all of my food up, and I am getting to the point of resisting the urge. I'm not quit recovered but I will get there.  

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