Monday, February 6, 2012

Witches Blood Chapter 2!

Anger. Hatred. These are the only emotions I now feel. This boy, this monster is the one I have set out to kill. I stand rigth here, I could finish quickly, but I have to restrain myself. For my mother has sworn me to cease the use of magic. But never the less I will have renenge.

"Are you alright? You seem very distraughnt." He looks me in the eyes as he says this. How he does not realize who I am is above me.

"I am perfectly fine, thank you very much." I say with gritted teeth. Vengance is playing the drums of war, revenge is playing the violin moving like the bow, it is reading to break out and kill.

"Well that is good" He looks me up and down.

That sick son of a gun.

"You are new, are you not?" I finally notice that he is wearing a uniform. The uniform is of s white dress shirt concealed ocer by a black button up blazer. The uniform is paired with black slacks, and dress shoes you would wear to a funeral. Funny cause his is coming up very quickly. The school's emblem a dagger standing straight with a rope around the hilt, a purpledragon circles the dagger. A purple dragon is also the symbol of a wizard. What type of school has my mother brought me too?

"Yes I am, now I must beg going now." I wil deffinalty need to speak with my mother now.

With that I exit the school hastily. I arrive back at our car and am fully ready to interegate my mother.

"What type of school is this?" I say with urgencey in my voice.

"What ever do you mean? Oh here are your bags, I hope you have a wonderful time." She then tries toget into the car.

" What are you doing? I need an answer."

She then starts to drive away. I feal defeated, and betrayed that my own mother would just leave me here like this.

I stood there for a solid half hour. I then took my bags and decided to journey back into the school. This is going to be hell I just am sure of it.

I then stop as a come to the stepss leading to the doors. I sigh and journey inside praying that I will not collide with, or have conversation with that gastly boy again.

Luckily I do not intercept with the boy, and with that distraction desipated for the time being I was able to take in the mein of the inside of this school, in a more elaborate point of view.

The inside of the school was far from ordinary. There were two stair cases that were marble and rich colored oak bending together in an upside down U. There are old fashioned knights everywhere. The floor is so polished I can see my face when I look down. I felt like a simple commoner is the Queen of England's castle.

While I was in my daydreaming, I did not notice that someone had walked up behind me.

"Hey, are you lost r something?" A voice said behind me.

I was snapped out of my daze, and almost leaped out of my skin. "Um, yeah kinda where are the girls dorms?"

The person stepped in front of me. Now I could get a good look at him He looked to be around the age of seventeen. He had staight golden hair that was cut in the style of a military cut. His skin was unnaturally pale, and almost allarming. But the real thing that grabbed my attention was the fact that his eyes were grey., not normall gray, but silvery grey. It was as if I was looking directly at the moon, when it is full and shining it's brilliant glow.

" Oh over there to the right. Oh By the way I'm Erik, Erik Shrodonhound. It's nice to meet you, maybe we will have some classes together. Oh and welcome to Black Blood Academy." As hensaid this he pointed to the girls dorms and he left to go to what I suspect to be the male students dorms.

With this new information at my disposal I grabbed my bags and started to walk to the girls dorms. To get to get to the dorms I walked down the East corridor and took the first right. I then walked up countless numbers of stairs and finally after a crelling thirty minutes of journeying to the girls dorms I finally made it.

The dorms were all down a corridor, the only one on this level I might add. All the dorrs were seere white. The floor the same polished marble. On each of the doors was written a number in black lettering. I looked at a peice of paper that I suspect my mother planted in my jacket. The paper read," Hello sweatheart, I hope your having fun! Well anywho your room number is number 213, have fun sweetheart, love your mom."

"Great" I mutter to myself, "My room is the last one." I stuffed the paper in my coat pocket and journied off again to the end of a corridor. Once I got there I turned, my room was on the right. I grapped the handle and pushed the door open. The inside of the room was just as exquiste as the whole school. There were four full sized beds with the canopies above each one. The beds were framed with rich oak, and had rose vines climbing up the canopies posts. The comforters were siver and purple, the design looked ike something the Queen of England herself would sleep on. There were four small dressers, one for each bed. At the foot of each bed was a trunk. Each trunk had a plaque on it. On the plague ingraved in were the names of the students living here. I walked to the far bed on the roght, it was the one closet to the window. I looked at the plague and ingraved was my name Ezmeralda Indra. I set my stuff by my bed and decided to look around the room some more.

I noticed that there were bags by every bed ,"At least I wasn't alone here." I said aloud to myself.

And almost like by a string of cause and effect, three girls looking to be around my age of fifteen came bounding in, laughing, and giggling.

They stopped and one girl stepped forward acting very friendly," Hi you must be our new roommate, It's like so cool to meet you." She was an inch taller than I. She had very blonde hair, and jade green eyes.

Then another girl stepped forward," Hi I'm Stacy Starr, that's Elara Mcclure, It's really nice to meet you." She was my height. She had hair as firey as rose. She had pale skin that shined, and sea foam eyes that were very distracting.

"Hey I'm Raque Castillegia" She was about the height of my mother. She had eyes the color of lavendor. This meaning she was not a complete witch but probably had one in the family at least for cnturies ago. I would not have to worry about her, I hope. She also had verry straight midnight raven like hair. She was wearing dark makeup, she was not your tipical goth. She had the look, but she had a very bubbly personality.

"Hi I'm Ezmeralda."

"We know," Raquel said, "It's cool to have yah here, hey were about to go down to the schools private pool you in?"

"Um sure but I don't have a swimsuit."

"Hey no problem, I have tons that I haven't even worn." Elara smiled while saying this," Now come on we change down there." She grabbed my arm, and before I knew it I was down in the schools private pool, having fun with my roomate who I barely know.

For once I was a normal teenager, except for the fact that I am here now on one mission that I gave myslef,. The mission to kill Demetri.

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